After reading the tripe that Harvey Wasserman & Bob Fitrakis are spouting in the article "Will Bush cancel the 2008 election?" . I started looking around to see who would believe something this disingenuous.
At they say
There. Someone finally said this, in print. Their conclusion?"From the public side, the only conceivable counter-force might be a national strike or an effective long-term campaign of general non-cooperation... For only one thing is certain: denial will do nothing."
Bravo, gentlemen.
Well Now I see who would believe stuff like that, the same people who believe that our own government planted explosives and faked 9/11.
I'll phrase it another way, The people who want to take away the 2nd Amendment are the same people now worried about someone doing the exact thing that the 2nd Amendment was designed to protect against.
If for some reason the president did call off the elections and by some weird dimensional warp he had the support of the military and law enforcement to put down the protests and even riots that would follow what would happen?
Why the very people that the liberals think they are superior to, using the very tools that the liberals vilify, would likely put forth a grand argument for the use of arms by individuals.
Does this fall under the definition of Irony?
I've put alot of thought into the possible need for the use of force towards the government after all legal and constitution avenues of redress have failed. Not every person would stand up at once to throw down the government, at least not at first. At first it would be individuals and small groups sabotaging operations and assassinating government officials. Some would be caught and others would not, but the government would start to crack down on everyone. The more arrests in the middle of the night, kangaroo courts, and people shot "Escaping" and the more people will be willing to act. With the internet and modern communications there is nothing to stop people from sharing intelligence and coordinating actions.
The hardware and software sides of the issue are easy, Firearms are plentiful, explosives are easy to make, and unbreakable encryption is easy. The hard part is personnel , as the ATF and FBI have shown. Every potential recruit is also a potential informer, the Resistance would not be one large force, but hundreds and thousands of unconnected cells formed of close friends and family members hiding among the population. Perhaps larger units could be formed but only when every single person knows that everyone else is trustworthy.
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