Wednesday, August 15, 2007

First Post.

The reason I am starting this blog is because I am pretty much starting my life over. I mostly plan to use this as a dialog for me to express some of my thoughts about life.

I've decided on a few rules for this blog before hand.

  1. I will always tell the truth as I see it, I will give my honest opinions and views on whatever subject I happen to be discussing, be it politics or the girl I went out on a date with last night.
  2. No Names. This doesn't mean that I wont ever use names, just that the names I will use likely won't be real names. To both protect the innocent and because I can.
  3. It's my blog and I reserve the right to delete posts that I feel are inappropriate.
The title of this blog is Latin, it means "The Truth is a Weapon" not because I plan on hurting people or I am a particularly violent person, but because I believe the truth is more capable of changing governments and tearing down walls than any cannon.
But I wouldn't suggest turning all our swords into plowshares just yet because the Barbarians are at the gate and they believe in the destruction of everything some of us hold true.

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