Wednesday, August 29, 2007
I talked to 'yote and told him he could borrow my washer and dryer until I have a need for them. He just moved here and had to buy a Refrigerator for his condo so I figured he doesn't need to spend the money on them. even if he does get a 6 figure salary.
We may or may not be going to the '24 hour games' paintball scenario the weekend of 8-9 September. It will be nice to sweep and clear with 'yote.
I don't really have much else to discuss. Although I have an article I want to write about tomorrow. I just need to let my thoughts firm up about it.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Dogs, Lies and Idiots.
I apparently missed Ted Nugents breakdown. While I respect his views, he really needs to be careful how he expresses them. While I am 110% against any form of gun control other than hitting the target, and I think any politician who thinks gun control works is missing the important logic circuit in the brain, talking towards them in the manner he did hurts more than helps.
Meanwhile at the The Washington Post some AntiGun cannot even keep guns out of an article about Micheal Vick. (sorry i couldn't link to the original article.)
The relevent portion is ...
Perpetrators of gun violence ought to be taken so seriously.
According to data recently released by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, nearly half of more than 10,000 guns recovered by law enforcement authorities in the Washington area came from Virginia. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people — human beings, not dogs — have been killed by these guns. But you won't find any gun manufacturers — or even many killers, for that matter — being hauled into court on conspiracy charges.
Apparently you have to be a dogfight promoter for that.
I'll point out all the ignorance I can think of the first time around.
First is "According to data recently released by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, nearly half of more than 10,000 guns recovered by law enforcement authorities in the Washington area came from Virginia"
After checking to see what data the BATFE has released recently I found this here. Which is the ATF trace data for 2006. The very first page of each bit of trace data states..
Not all firearms used in crime are traced, and not all firearms traced are used in crime
So that bit done I checked the numbers, the only way to get the stated "more than 10,000 guns recovered in the DC area" is to add up all firearms traced in DC, Maryland, and Virginia, which came to 16 thousand and change. The total amount of guns from Virginia? 4,764. Which if we remove the guns bought in Va and later "recovered" in Va the total comes to a staggering 725.
Funny how the author doesn't point out the fact that he considers a trace request from Dam Neck, Va. as a gun recovered in the DC area.
If you look at just the DC data, Virginia is only the second largest contributor to DC's "recovered" firearms with Maryland being the number one.
next up, how many of these 16,000(ish) guns have been used to commit the "Hundreds, if not thousands, " of homicides? Well according to the data the answer is 413. I don't know how many homicides were committed in those three states during 2006, if anyone know please clue me in.
The rest of the statement is just the normal whiny crap you'd expect to hear from someone with the mental age of a 13 year old.
I wonder if the Brady Bunch sends out "Press Releases" to the people they know are not smart enough to do their own research. Knowing that these "pet journalists" would slavishly and mindlessly repeat the crap as the truth, and with the sheep believing every single lie.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Gun Control works... Really...
According to the above link, gun crime in the UK has been going up. Which seems to be the opposite from what I hear from the Brady Bunch and the rest of the Anti-Gun Zealots. I wonder if they will post a news release on how incorrect the above article is and how gun control works.
Every so often I find myself perusing the Brady bunch's various websites, and like watching a slow motion Brittany Spears video I am generally disgusted but unable to look away.
While some of the tripe they come up with is laughable ignorant and so full of holes that my 9 month old son could see through it, some of it looks on the surface to make alot of sense, it's only when you think about it and not just absorb what you are reading that you see the emperor has no clothes.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Well Hello there.
I'm going to make this post short because my shoulder is really sore from shooting trap today and I'm looking forward to a hot bath and some Ice.
The GCO Luncheon was really nice today, I met alot of people that I only knew online before. The Guest speaker Representative Timothy Bearden was a very affable guy and knowledgeable about what we as a 2nd Amendment group were looking for, and we got a lot of good info from him.
I also learned at the luncheon that asparagus is not as gross as I always seemed to think it was, it was a lot like eating grass actually.
I'm going to kinda cut back on the stuff about E-harmony for now because I was unaware of the sheer mass of people you can get. I'll save the posts on that stuff for when there is something more concrete to report there.
Trap shooting.
Today was the first time I had ever went Trap shooting. Seeing as I don't own a shotgun (yet) I "borrowed" the Huglu Shotgun I had bought my father back in 2004 ( Huglu model 104A) from Turkey. I did okay, the best I did was 15 out of 25 but thats the 4th round I had ever shot, I learned to stick my right elbow straight out to the side while shooting to reduce the amount of felt recoil, pulling my elbow in like I shoot my AR and it tightens up the muscles in the front of my shoulder, causing some very painful moments in the beginning. 100 rounds of 12 gauge #7 is no joke either.
I'm thinking about getting myself a Charles Daly Model 105 O/U now. I want a classic O/U with double triggers.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Interesting Corollary
After reading the tripe that Harvey Wasserman & Bob Fitrakis are spouting in the article "Will Bush cancel the 2008 election?" . I started looking around to see who would believe something this disingenuous.
At they say
There. Someone finally said this, in print. Their conclusion?"From the public side, the only conceivable counter-force might be a national strike or an effective long-term campaign of general non-cooperation... For only one thing is certain: denial will do nothing."
Bravo, gentlemen.
Well Now I see who would believe stuff like that, the same people who believe that our own government planted explosives and faked 9/11.
I'll phrase it another way, The people who want to take away the 2nd Amendment are the same people now worried about someone doing the exact thing that the 2nd Amendment was designed to protect against.
If for some reason the president did call off the elections and by some weird dimensional warp he had the support of the military and law enforcement to put down the protests and even riots that would follow what would happen?
Why the very people that the liberals think they are superior to, using the very tools that the liberals vilify, would likely put forth a grand argument for the use of arms by individuals.
Does this fall under the definition of Irony?
I've put alot of thought into the possible need for the use of force towards the government after all legal and constitution avenues of redress have failed. Not every person would stand up at once to throw down the government, at least not at first. At first it would be individuals and small groups sabotaging operations and assassinating government officials. Some would be caught and others would not, but the government would start to crack down on everyone. The more arrests in the middle of the night, kangaroo courts, and people shot "Escaping" and the more people will be willing to act. With the internet and modern communications there is nothing to stop people from sharing intelligence and coordinating actions.
The hardware and software sides of the issue are easy, Firearms are plentiful, explosives are easy to make, and unbreakable encryption is easy. The hard part is personnel , as the ATF and FBI have shown. Every potential recruit is also a potential informer, the Resistance would not be one large force, but hundreds and thousands of unconnected cells formed of close friends and family members hiding among the population. Perhaps larger units could be formed but only when every single person knows that everyone else is trustworthy.
Why I like Fred Thompson.
While I do not feel that the 2nd Amendment is the only issue that is important, and that other things like Taxes, the military and even how we prosecute the War on Terror are also important issues. I strongly feel that the 2nd Amendemnt is the most important of the Bill of Rights. Without the 2nd Amendment none of the Amendments have a very long shelf life, Why should I as the government let some guy talk bad about be in the news? Whats to stop me from just shutting him up?
After researching the Republican Candidates I found some of the following information
When Romney ran for Senate in 1994, he told the Boston Herald that he supported the Brady gun-control law and a ban on scores of semi-automatic firearms. Romney did not back off his support for gun control during his run for governor in 2002. “We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts; I support them. I won’t chip away at them; I believe they protect us and provide for our safety.”
Rudy Giuliani on the other hand has a long history of gun control, In 1993, before even being sworn in as mayor, Giuliani met with then-President Clinton at the White House to discuss national gun registration. Giuliani supported the Brady bill, which had recently passed, but argued that it didn't go far enough. He said in an interview with the Boston Globe "I do not think the government should cut off the right to bear arms. My position for many years has been that just as a motorist must have a license, a gun owner should be required to have one as well. Anyone wanting to own a gun should have to pass a written exam that shows that they know how to use a gun, that they’re intelligent enough and responsible enough to handle a gun. Should both handgun and rifle owners be licensed...we’re talking about all dangerous weapons"
While Hunter and Paul are both Pro-2nd Amendment I honestly do not believe either of them are electable.
Fred Thompson on the other hand is truly electable. He has a dignified and strong demeanor, He looks presidential ( he should he's played a few in the movies). When he speaks he is eloquent and you feel he is addressing you personally, even over the internet. But Fred's looks and the way he acts and talks are not the reason to vote for him. How he believes our government should act is.
Fred Thompson has been posting his views online in various blogs for several months. He addresses issues on subects as varying as eminent domain, Gun Contol, federalism, and the NFL draft. While I don't agree with everything he has to say, I don't disagree with him on as much as I do other candidates.
I laughed my ass off on his video response to Micheal more, and I find myself wondering what his position is on some things I feel strongly about. I can think of a few questions I'd love to have him answer.
- How do you feel about the actions the of ATF in regards to Reds Trading Post and other gun stores and what would you do to correct this gross abuse of power?
- What is your response to those who claim that as a member of the CFR you intend to expand NAFTA into a North American Union with the United States as a weaker member?
- How do you feel about the whole "Separation of Church and State" by way of the ACLU?
- How do you feel about taxing the importation of products by countries that have outsourced their production to outside of the US to save money over paying US workers?
Of course I very much doubt that Mr. Thompson would take the time to answer my questions. There are more popular and larger blogs he would get to first.
Between yesterday and todays I've gotten a bit farther with a couple of people on E-Harmony. One of which is a very lovely young lady from Nashville, TN. Who lists her job as a writer, I wonder if she writes country music.
Tomorrow I am going to the GCO Summer Lunch and then to shoot some skeet. I'm going to borrow the Over/Under I brought my dad from Turkey. I'll post about how things went there tomorrow.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Georgia Packing
I used to not really be all that interested in political stuff, I wasn't thrilled with the original AWB and I was glad to see it go, but I never gave much thought to that stuff. I really didn't care who was president as long as my taxes didn't go up. I vaguely disliked Clinton but I never voted for or against him. I was mostly into Autocross and Old cars, I was a regular visitor on ToyMods, and Australian forum for Toyota fans.
Theres a large distance from where I am and where I was and to be perfectly honest I started that journey on April 16, 2007. The Day of the incident I thought it was horrible, but if someone could have shot him when he started it would have been a non-starter. The next day someone on ToyMods had started a post about it in the Off Topic section. After expressing my opinion that Cho could have been stopped by one student or teacher with a firearm I was flamed and called a "Crazy like Cho" and a "Bloodthirsty Yank" by all the peace loving Aussies there. When I tried to disagree and explain my stand I was called a "troll". This after being a member there for over 3 years. So I stopped by GlockTalk to see if anyone there had any points I could bring up on Toymods, I was determined to try and show the Aussies the "light". But after reading around a bit on GT I realized two things,
- I shouldn't be wasting my breath on people in some other country when their government has them so spoon fed on crap that they think a cowpie is dessert, and they like it this way.
- Most Anti-gun people do not have positions based on fact, they have positions based solely on emotion, and they spread those views by playing to peoples emotions.
My intention is to get more involved as I can, perhaps I can run for Congress or something. I couldn't do any worse than most of the people there now.
Fathers Rights

I went to B&N tonight and picked up a couple of books, one of which is "Father's Rights" which talks about Fathers getting custody of their children.
I also talked to Her tonite, I sent her some money for jack because I just got paid today, and she of course has no income at all.
Apparently Jack is having problems sleeping without me around. Makes me a bit sad but I am also happy that he shows how important I am in his life.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My son, the most important thing in my life. He is my pride and joy. And unfortunately his mother has him.
I am attempting to get custody of him but I know it wont be easy. A Single dad vs a Single Mom? Most judges would call that a slam dunk, mother wins. But why should she? Is there something about giving birth that automatically makes someone a good mother?
Before she had Jack she was Lazy, slightly mental and completely fiscally irresponsible. She ran up over $3000 of overages on her cell phone in 2 months. She has had fewer than 8 jobs in the 6 years I've known her and none of those, outside of a "job" at her church that pays around $25 a week, have lasted longer than a month. She stays out all night, getting home sometime around 4AM and sleeps until after noon. Jack has fallen from her bed several times because he is awake and exploring while she still sleeps.
And somehow people want me to believe that she would be a better single parent than I am?
I've been in the Navy for the last 8 years, I am a First Class Petty Officer, responsible for guiding and mentoring those assigned to me. I am a Leader. I pay all my bills on time and I would not need any governmental assistance to raise my son. I have a wonderful support system in my family and friends, my son would never have to spend a day with strangers while I worked.
And yet I am not a suitable single father? It is more appropriate for me to pay her money, and for her to be on welfare, than it is for me to raise my son on my own?
Well I'm working my hardest and I can only hope and pray.
First Post.
I've decided on a few rules for this blog before hand.
- I will always tell the truth as I see it, I will give my honest opinions and views on whatever subject I happen to be discussing, be it politics or the girl I went out on a date with last night.
- No Names. This doesn't mean that I wont ever use names, just that the names I will use likely won't be real names. To both protect the innocent and because I can.
- It's my blog and I reserve the right to delete posts that I feel are inappropriate.
But I wouldn't suggest turning all our swords into plowshares just yet because the Barbarians are at the gate and they believe in the destruction of everything some of us hold true.