I know I haven't posted in a few days. I've been feeling pretty badly and didn't have anything much to say :(
I apparently missed Ted Nugents breakdown. While I respect his views, he really needs to be careful how he expresses them. While I am 110% against any form of gun control other than hitting the target, and I think any politician who thinks gun control works is missing the important logic circuit in the brain, talking towards them in the manner he did hurts more than helps.
Meanwhile at the
The Washington Post some AntiGun cannot even keep guns out of an article about Micheal Vick. (sorry i couldn't link to the original article.)
The relevent portion is ...
Perpetrators of gun violence ought to be taken so seriously.
According to data recently released by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, nearly half of more than 10,000 guns recovered by law enforcement authorities in the Washington area came from Virginia. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people — human beings, not dogs — have been killed by these guns. But you won't find any gun manufacturers — or even many killers, for that matter — being hauled into court on conspiracy charges.
Apparently you have to be a dogfight promoter for that.
I'll point out all the ignorance I can think of the first time around.
First is "According to data recently released by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, nearly half of more than 10,000 guns recovered by law enforcement authorities in the Washington area came from Virginia"
After checking to see what data the BATFE has released recently I found
this here. Which is the ATF trace data for 2006. The very first page of each bit of trace data states..
Not all firearms used in crime are traced, and not all firearms traced are used in crime
So that bit done I checked the numbers, the only way to get the stated "more than 10,000 guns recovered in the DC area" is to add up all firearms traced in DC, Maryland, and Virginia, which came to 16 thousand and change. The total amount of guns from Virginia? 4,764. Which if we remove the guns bought in Va and later "recovered" in Va the total comes to a staggering 725.
Funny how the author doesn't point out the fact that he considers a trace request from Dam Neck, Va. as a gun recovered in the DC area.
If you look at just the DC data, Virginia is only the second largest contributor to DC's "recovered" firearms with Maryland being the number one.
next up, how many of these 16,000(ish) guns have been used to commit the "Hundreds, if not thousands, " of homicides? Well according to the data the answer is 413. I don't know how many homicides were committed in those three states during 2006, if anyone know please clue me in.
The rest of the statement is just the normal whiny crap you'd expect to hear from someone with the mental age of a 13 year old.
I wonder if the Brady Bunch sends out "Press Releases" to the people they know are not smart enough to do their own research. Knowing that these "pet journalists" would slavishly and mindlessly repeat the crap as the truth, and with the sheep believing every single lie.