Concerned: This has went out to all III here. I'm not posting it on ***********.
Me:This is from a blog in Aug 2007Quote:I've put alot of thought into the possible need for the use of force towards the government after all legal and constitutional avenues of redress have failed. Not every person would stand up at once to throw down the government, at least not at first. At first it would be individuals and small groups sabotaging operations and assassinating government officials. Some would be caught and others would not, but the government would start to crack down on everyone. The more arrests in the middle of the night, kangaroo courts, and people shot "Escaping" and the more people will be willing to act. With the internet and modern communications there is nothing to stop people from sharing intelligence and coordinating actions.
The hardware and software sides of the issue are easy, Firearms are plentiful, explosives are easy to make, and unbreakable encryption is easy. The hard part is personnel , as the ATF and FBI have shown. Every potential recruit is also a potential informer, the Resistance would not be one large force, but hundreds and thousands of unconnected cells formed of close friends and family members hiding among the population. Perhaps larger units could be formed but only when every single person knows that everyone else is trustworthy.
Concerned:Quote:I am concerned about this.Every potential recruit is also a potential informer, the Resistance would not be one large force, but hundreds and thousands of unconnected cells formed of close friends and family members hiding among the population. Perhaps larger units could be formed but only when every single person knows that everyone else is trustworthy.
Concerned: I know 12 here that I trust. They may know more. And you?
Me:I know 12 here that I trust. They may know more. And you?
4 maybe 5, but I am a paranoid.
I also tend to put more trust in people who have seen the elephant.Concerned wrote:Quote:I am concerned about this.Every potential recruit is also a potential informer, the Resistance would not be one large force, but hundreds and thousands of unconnected cells formed of close friends and family members hiding among the population. Perhaps larger units could be formed but only when every single person knows that everyone else is trustworthy.
There is nothing wrong with sharing information with others, as long as it is not of a tactical nature. Be careful of what you say and who you say it to and you should be okay, keep everything compartmentalized with no one person knowing more than a couple other people, and those not the same people. Keep information away from people you don't trust, and if you do trust them look closely just in case.
Don't allow criminals access to any organization at all. People breaking the law draw attention and are usually more than willing to turn states evidence. Don't be stupid and break laws from inattention, how many criminals have been caught not for the big things they did but for speeding?
I think its a fine line we are all treading between Paranoia and Caution.
My response in regards to the "Tea Parties" going on and someone asking what they are worth..
So what is the modern equivalent of crates full of tea?
If it's a legal "get a permit from the city hall" protest, it really wont draw any attention unless you are the KKK or the like.
If it's an illegal"let's go vandalize the governments tea by throwing it into the bay" protest, then the media may cover it but only insofar as pointing out how 'criminal' your actions were.
There's the catch 22, if you follow the rules then no one will make a stink of it, if you don't follow the rules then you get marginalized as a criminal.
Society is starting be like a glass of water thats been microwaved, it seems on the outside to seem safe and ok, but the second something disturbs it, it will explode burning whomever disturbed it.
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